Thursday, January 11, 2007

Various musings...

I like doing that full stop thing... don't I?

Anyway, here are a few things occupying my mind at the moment. Firstly, I have had new glasses, but to be honest I am not sure about them. Don't worry - they are not intended as a replacement for the black ones, but just as a bit of variety, particularly with a suit. Although, in that picture they don't look too bad!

I am very into Wil Wheaton's blog at the moment - his post about Star Trek: The Experience is very sweet - though it makes me really want to visit Las Vegas! In case you don't know, he played Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and is now a proud thirty-something computer geek. Also he has a mac - respect. (Unfortunately he has the Pro laptop, which is really annoying, as it makes me hugely jealous: the computer of my dreams!!). Oh well, someday maybe - this one is tough and brilliantly portable at the moment.

Also, I promised myself not to get excited about the newly announced iPhone, but to be honest, I am slightly. To buy one would mean throwing out all my high horse beliefs about multi-use devices (Cameramusicphones? Tosh! Buy a decent camera, iPod and a Nokia telephone, I say!), but I must say the functionality of a telephone along with a Mac OSX does sound tempting. Don't worry though, I have a feeling that it will be a long time before it will be available in the UK.

I finished my criminological and legal psychology essay today, I think. Which means all I have to do now is polish that one and my research methods essay before handing them in on Tuesday. That means I should have a relatively quiet weekend, not that I have anything exciting happening over the weekend to look forward to!

Oh, as an update to my really old post about Cambridge Trinity Street Post Office: I was there today, and was again pleasantly surprised by the huge improvement in the quality of service. Good job since the redesign - they clearly buried the old battleaxe in the concrete before re-opening!

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